Sermon Programme

Sermon Programme

LCBC Online

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Sermon Programme May to August 2024


Great Prayers of the Old Testament

To encourage us in our prayer life we will be looking at a small number of prayers in the Old Testament. We’ll see how some of the great names of Scripture approach God and their calling to God to know His presence, his work in their lives and also their crying out to God in their pain and confusion. It’s a series to build us up in confidence in the God who hears all our prayers as well as painting a picture of a life of prayer.

Mark 11-13: Bringing in the Kingdom

We continue our series in Mark as we see what it is that Jesus has come to do in ushering in a kingdom that is unlike any earthly kingdom. And we see a king unlike any earthly king. And a kingdom where the ‘way up’ is ‘down’. A kingdom rooted in powerful love, not the love of power. In the evenings in May and June we will be looking at chapters 9-10 (‘The Cost of the Kingdom’) and in the mornings in July and August we will be looking at chapters 11-13 (‘Bringing in the Kingdom’).


Jonah: Salvation comes from the LORD

The book of Jonah reveals the goodness of God who holds out the offer of salvation to a land and people who are rebelling against him. And that nation is set in contrast with one of God’s people, Jonah, who is called by God to deliver God’s message of salvation. Jonah is the prophet who runs away, goes grudgingly and in His mercy God uses him powerfully.

Nahum: Justice will be done

The book of Nahum is in many ways a sequel to Jonah. Whereas in Jonah, the message of salvation to the wicked city of Nineveh appears to have been received, in Nahum we see the severity of God in a message of punishment and judgment to a people who have rejected him. In the midst of that evil, God still promises peace, protection and deliverance for his people who trust in him.


* denotes communion service


Mornings at 10:30am


Evenings at 6:00pm




The Joy of Life with Jesus


The cost of the Kingdom


All-age service
Philippians 4:1-9


Our frail faith, but a strong Saviour to be found -  Mark 9:14-29


* Whatever the circumstances
Philippians 4:10-23


Radical Kingdom Values
Mark 9:30-50


Great Prayers of the Old Testament





‘Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?’ - Genesis 18:16-33


* Joined together by God
Mark 10:1-12


‘Show me your glory’
Exodus 33:12-23


Prayer and Praise




* ‘Give your servant a discerning heart’
1 Kings 3:5-15a


The kingdom belongs to such as these
Mark 10:13-16


‘Yours Lord is the greatness and the power’ - 1 Chronicles 29:9-20


The rich and the kingdom of God
Mark 10:17-31

Father’s Day

‘We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you’
2 Chronicles 20:1-23


FIEC joint celebration at Grove Free Evangelical Church
(no service at LCBC)


‘Give your servant success today’
Nehemiah 1:1-2:9


* Kingdom sacrifice
Mark 10:32-45


‘Create in me a pure heart, O God’
Psalm 51


Prayer and Praise




* ‘Lord forgive! Because your people bear your Name’ - Daniel 9:1-19


I want to see the king
Mark 10:46-52


Mark 11-13: Bringing in the Kingdom


Jonah: Salvation comes from the LORD


Jesus enters Jerusalem as king
Mark 11:1-11


Running from the LORD
Jonah 1


Have faith in God (All-age service)
Mark 11:12-25


* Praying to the LORD
Jonah 2


The highest authority
Mark 11:27-32


Prayer and Praise




* The Cornerstone
Mark 12:1-12


Obeying the LORD
Jonah 3


Give back to God what is God’s
Mark 12:13-17


Angry at the LORD
Jonah 4




Nahum: Justice will be done


God of the living
Mark 12:18 -27


* The wrath and power of the LORD
Nahum 1:1-6


The greatest commandment
Mark 12:28-37


God promises peace and restoration for his people - Nahum 1:7-2:2




The divine and human king
Mark 13:38-44


God promises destruction for his enemies
Nahum 2:3 – 3:19

Long Crendon Baptist Church